Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Hey all,

For the second straight year I have duty on Thanksgiving! Just realized it today on watch, tried to remember what I ate last Thanksgiving and it was on the ship! It's all good because I had a bomb ass dinner. Would be better spending it with the fam but I learned that the time you do spend with family is a Thanksgiving. I am 12 hours away from flying off this island and back stateside. I'm all packed and ready to go. Not sure if I should sleep or stay up and sleep on the plane. I know I'll have some serious jet lag. Hopefully I'll be rested enough to drive to Jersey on tomorrow.

I had a great time last night. Guam finally woke up. I shouldn't complain considering not many people were out on Monday and Tuesday. Something had to happen the day before Thanksgiving. No one works and it's the perfect time to go out. Of course I drank and was merry. Went to this club and finally saw some brown people. So glad this place isn't light years behind on music. It was pretty good. I tried to cut the line by giving the bouncer some money but no dice. I was amazed that it got turned down.

Finally saw the Borat movie. I must say that is one funny movie. It has me wondering if some of the stuff he did foreal or was staged. There are only two movie theaters in Guam. The one I went to had a coverband playing at the enterance. The malls in Guam are pretty lame-o. All the good stuff are where the Japanese tourists are. Man do they have money! Anyway I gotta run.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Get Me Off the Ship

Omg its Saturday and really soon I'll be on dry land and soon after I'll be on a plane heading East! So I got my itinerary and it looks like I'll be hitting up HI, ATL, NYC, then to RI. The only time I have a long layover is HI so maybe I'll see my cuzzo and the kids again. The plan for me is to hit up VA thanksgiving weekend. It's going to be crazy because I land in RI mid afternoon and the flight leaving for VA is around 730. Doesn't really give me a whole lot of time to hop in my rent-a-car, check into my hotel, and drive back to the airport. We'll see. If anything it's VA the first two weekends of DEC. So watch out! RIght now I'm bsing on watch. Nothing really happening. We have been up all night and people are starting to act crazy. I did sneak in a nap or two so I'm pretty much awake. On top of the cokes I have been drinking! Same ol' stuff happening around the boat. Drills, computer ish, and bsing. I'm just about lazy cuz I know I have my plane ticket off this boat. So I'm looking forward to "____" (can't say where I'm going) and relax in my hotel and all the lil things I miss like a long shower and an actual bed to sleep in. It's good that things have slowed down for me, cuz I have been working like a workhorse these last couple weeks. The focus now is working my general Navy knowledge so I can qualify and get my SWO pin. Thats about it for now, I've bsed enough during watch. Till next time


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Time Travel

So I finally experienced skipping an entire day. Monday was a lost day. I can't get it back. What I can do to recoup my lost day is to live a day twice. Just to let you guys know, this will be my last reference to time travel. I think I played it out already. We aren't that much further to our next port. I'm already looking at hotels and whatever. One thing lingering is which day I'm going to fly off to make my class in RI. I think I'm flying straight there (sorry VA pplz). But I will be driving/flying whatever to VA on the weekends. Not sure which one. As you may or may not know I've been pretty busy this last month and a half. It has finally slowed down to a reasonable pace. I can finally sit back and do my work at a leisurly pace. All I'm focused on is getting off this boat, relax in "___" (won't divuge my port visits because of OPSEC), and fly off. Thanksgiving is around the corner and I'm wondering if I'll be spending it with the ship or my family. Either way I'll be stuffing my face and getting food fuct. I hope I can play some football or something. Gotta keep the tradition alive. Kinda short blog but most of the stuff I want to write is off limits. Yeah I gotta keep this big mouth shut for once. Drop me a line.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday Night

This has got to be my first Friday not spending money and drinking! In place of all that, I'm working! Today is actually not a bad day at all. The first day I wasn't rushed to do something or stressed because shit isn't getting done. Things got done today and all I'm waiting for is one message so I can sleep for 3 hours just to do it all over again. Right now we are nearing the int'l date line. Crazy because I'll be doing some time travel into the future. I think the last time I did that was flying to the Phillipines ages ago. The weather out here is hot as a mug. Good thing for me I work where A/C is a must. I spent the better part of my afternoon as the boat officer just in case of an emergency for the helo. It was my first time to really be outside and soak it all in. It rained earlier so there was a whole bunch of clouds. It was pretty nostalgic looking out while jammin to my iPod. I haven't put any new songs into my iPod since my last deployment. Yeah I'm slackin. In other news, I'm on disc 5 on my Las Vegas DVD. Yes it is a guilty pleasure. I just love the darn show. There really is no plot but Vegas just brings me good memories. On that note, my house is going to be completed in 2 weeks. Hopefully when I fly out of here in Guam I can make a side trip to Vegas to see how the pad is. I'm pretty stoked about leaving in Guam. I get to spend a month or more away from the ship. The kicker is that when and if they fly me back to meet the ship, I'll prolly be waiting in the Phillipines! Now thats wussup! Well off to my DVDs. When I'm done with this season, I'm going to start my Japanese for Dummies!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Aloha Hawaii Brah!

Hey all. In between the islands of Hawaii. Its late as anything and I'm standing watch, sort of. The sky is clear and the weather is humid. Looking to pull in later this afternoon. Too bad we are only staying for 24 hours. I'll be visiting my cousin and seeing my lil nephews today. I can't wait because I have an 8 month year old nephew (Bryce Mason) waiting to meet his uncle! For you east coasters, I am confirmed to go to Newport Rhode Island the end of the month. I'm trying to stick a VA thanksgiving so cross your fingers. If anything I'll be driving down or flying down from RI to kick it in VA. The only thing that stinks is that I have all my shit in storage so instead of digging into that I prolly have to go on a mini shopping spree! Life on the ship is rough. I seem to be working 24/7 and sleeping whenever I have 10 minutes of downtime. They say once I get past the first two weeks it'll slow down. Yeah right. The food is horrible but I eat it anyway. Every now and then we get some good shit. If they serve Jasmin rice I'm all over that! Being underway isn't too bad, like my last post, I haven't really been on the inet because all the good sites are blocked. Boo! Anyway back to protecting the country. Till next post!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Heading to Hawaii

Hey all,

First post since leaving San Diego. Turns out that life doesn't slow down once on deployment, it gets worst. I've been working my butt off the last two days. Finally got some decent sleep last night but man the craziness never ends. One thing goes down and you fix it. Then another. The loop never ends. Right now everything is all good but I'm sure tomorrow something will be broke. Looks like I'll be heading off this ship at the end of the month to go to school in Rhode Island. I'm not holding my breath cuz this is the third time they scheduled me for this school. They say three times is a charm but I doubt it. Hopefully I'll be spending Thanksgiving in VA. Now that would rock. The internet on this ship is slow I don't even bother to go on the internet. Took me like 5 minutes to put in a blog. I guess I have to make this one good. eh. I'm just glad I have some free time. So I'm going to use this time to brush up on some Japanese and lay down! I need some rest!
