Sunday, November 02, 2008

fb rox my sox

So why do I have a myspace account? My SD friends need to switch over to FB so I can delete myspace all together. Any way I wonder if I can link my myspace blog to FB like I did with this one.

I haven't updated my blogger here since 2006. Kind of nostalgic re-reading what I was doing back then. I mean that's why we blog any way, to remember what the hell we were doing at some point in time. I learned to keep a journal with me on deployment because one day I'd like to say "have you read my memoirs?" I think the last 4 years of my life have been interesting enough to document.

The only bad thing about blogger is privacy (I need to look into that to see if I can make this thing private). I might have to censor myself for fear of prosecution or something. Or I can say "a friend of mine did this...." My life is pretty much an open book and if you google search my name you can probably get enough information to be me. I know there is a way to get your name off the search engines...any one know?

What is on my mind? For one, I'm going to miss MNF. What says election year without including the Redskins. There was a tradition that the skin's last home game determines who will win the Presidency. I think 2004 is when it got proved wrong. Either way I haven't received my absentee ballot and since I will be temporarily unavailable on Monday and I have duty on Tuesday, I think this will be the first year I don't vote. I mean I can send in a federal write in ballot but I need to do that ASAP. I was really hoping the mail man would of brought me my ballot on Saturday. Just when I think my vote actually matters, I can't vote. It's one thing if I 'm registered in California (it will always be a blue state) but since I'm registered in VA, I have a chance to really make an impact.

Off on a tangent right now...I think I'll not post on blogger anymore and just write FB notes. I'll figure it out one of these days. And Entourage is starting in 30 minutes so that is all for now. Have a good week yall.


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