Wednesday, May 13, 2009

FB is blocked so I'm back on Blogger

The ship decided to block FB so now I have to be productive at work. It's ok because I've been busy. I spent the last two days in Seal Beach doing an ammo onload so what does that mean? The town of Seal Beach gets an influx of Navy people terrorizing their bars. That's exactly what happend....on a Monday night. Tuesday night was more mellow. I have to be very careful about my posts so I'll stop that there. I'm still in the SOCAL area. I should be on my way by the end of the week. Theres a couple things I have to get done in this month, train the crew for the upcoming training cycle, entertain Midshipman and hopefully they make it safely to Panama, get the Junior Officers qualified because this is their only underway period to do so, and work out. I have yet to hit the gym on the ship but it is the shit. Right now we can't take showers so working out tonight is out of the question. Now that is a whole other story. It stems from the evolution we are doing at the moment. I guess its great that I'm out to sea right now. Mainly because I've been partying like there's no tomorrow for the last couple weeks. That always happens before I leave San Diego for an extended amount of time. I need to save up my money for the Cuban cigars and all the other stuff I intend to purchase in Panama =). Any way hopefully this makes it to my FB account in a reasonable amount of time. Its about 746pm on 13May.


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