Friday, November 03, 2006

Heading to Hawaii

Hey all,

First post since leaving San Diego. Turns out that life doesn't slow down once on deployment, it gets worst. I've been working my butt off the last two days. Finally got some decent sleep last night but man the craziness never ends. One thing goes down and you fix it. Then another. The loop never ends. Right now everything is all good but I'm sure tomorrow something will be broke. Looks like I'll be heading off this ship at the end of the month to go to school in Rhode Island. I'm not holding my breath cuz this is the third time they scheduled me for this school. They say three times is a charm but I doubt it. Hopefully I'll be spending Thanksgiving in VA. Now that would rock. The internet on this ship is slow I don't even bother to go on the internet. Took me like 5 minutes to put in a blog. I guess I have to make this one good. eh. I'm just glad I have some free time. So I'm going to use this time to brush up on some Japanese and lay down! I need some rest!



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